OPD Services
Ch Rehmat Ali Trust Hospital has a vibrant OPD that caters to the multiple medical needs of over 15,000 patients monthly. Trust Hospital charges a nominal fee of Rs.50 only to provide consultation by highly qualified doctors and consultants.
For deserving patients, even this nominal fee is frequently waived off and completely free consultation is provided to such patients alongwith free medicines to the deserving patients.
Well qualified paramedical staff is a vital part of OPD service delivery. A team of well qualified and experienced paramedics is available to ensure execution of all medical support and assistance.
Over 20 medical specialities are available in the morning OPD. Most demanded medical specialities are offered in Evening OPD as well. Hospital management is gradually organizing full spectrum evening OPD in the months ahead.
Specialists’ clinics are available in the morning as well in the evening for major medical specialities at a highly subsidised charges ( in most cases 1/3 of general market consultation charges) by highly qualified and experienced specialist doctors.